From the Chief Editor’s Desk
It gives me immense pride to present this issue of the Journal as we enter into the 60thyear of its publication. The Journal has come a long way, but there is still a long long way to go. Society members at large, specialists in Aerospace Medicine in particular, need to make this Journal as their first choice to publish research, if we have to take it forward.
This issue presents a host of articles which would delight a wide spectrum of our readership. Modafinil has been in use for quite some time now. This issue brings out its effects on autonomic cardiovascular function. Air sickness is a cause for concern among aviators, a case report on intractable air sickness in a trained fighter aircrew and its associated dilemma in aeromedical decision making is included. Another interesting case report on muscle tension dysphonia along with a research article on changes in relaxed +Gz tolerance following exposure to multiaxial acceleration stress are presented in this issue. An IAF experience on antihypertensives in fighter flying is also included. In addition, this issue has a case report on HBOT in frostbite which adds a new dimension to the treatment of variety of diseases with HBOT. Injury pattern analysis of helicopter crashes bringing out further developments required in the restraint systems and helmets to reduce injuries has been aptly brought out in this issue. Regular features like Book Review, Journal Scan and Aerospace Medicine Quiz are also showcased in this edition of IJASM.
The 64thInternational Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine was held in New Delhi from 06 to 10 Nov 16. Glimpses of the event are included for perusal of everyone.
The Editorial Board for the Commemorative issue is already working hard to bring out a memorable issue to celebrate 60 years of publishing journey.
Till then - so long - & enjoy this issue!
Happy Reading!