Editorial Board
Last updated on: December 30, 2024
The editorial board comprises of a panel of experts from various disciplines of medical and allied sciences to provide their expertise and guidance in maintaining the clarity of content and focus of the purpose for the journal.
Chief Editor

Air Cmde Rajesh Kumar
Institute of Aerospace Medicine,
Indian Air Force,
Bengaluru-17, India
Email: chiefeditor@indjaerospacemed.com
Institute of Aerospace Medicine,
Indian Air Force,
Bengaluru-17, India
Email: chiefeditor@indjaerospacemed.com
Executive Editor

Gp Capt YS Dahiya
Chief Research Officer,
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Email: executiveeditor@indjaerospacemed.com
Chief Research Officer,
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Email: executiveeditor@indjaerospacemed.com
Technical Editor

Lt Col (Dr) Srinivasa Bhattachar
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Indian Air Force
Bengaluru-17, India
Email: srinivasabhattachar@gmail.com
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Indian Air Force
Bengaluru-17, India
Email: srinivasabhattachar@gmail.com
Associate Editor

Gp Capt Punyashlok Biswal
Head of Department,
Department of Space Medicine,
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Email: drpunyashlok@gmail.com
Head of Department,
Department of Space Medicine,
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Email: drpunyashlok@gmail.com

Gp Capt Stuti Mishra
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Indian Air Force
Bengaluru-17, India
Email: stutishobhit@gmail.com
Institute of Aerospace Medicine
Indian Air Force
Bengaluru-17, India
Email: stutishobhit@gmail.com

Dr G Harshavardhan
Graded Specialist (Aerospace Medicine)
MD (Aerospace Medicine)
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Email: drharshag@gmail.com
Graded Specialist (Aerospace Medicine)
MD (Aerospace Medicine)
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Email: drharshag@gmail.com
ISAM Executive Committee Members
Air Mshl (Dr) Rajesh Vaidya VSM
Director General Medical Services (Air) & President ISAM
AVM (Dr) Anupam Agarwal, VSM
Air Cmde (Dr) Rajesh Kumar
Air Cmde (Dr) Prateek Kinra
Gp Capt (Dr) NK Tripathy – Secretary ISAM
Surg Capt (Dr) DK Kagti
Col (Dr) Yogender Vidhani
Wg Cdr (Dr) B Bhowmick
Wg Cdr (Dr) V Raghunandan
Gp Capt Rahul Pipraiya (Retd)
Wg Cdr Divya N (Retd)
Dr Ajit Kumar
IJASM Editorial Advisory Board Members
Air Mshl Rajesh Vaidya VSM, DGMS (Air) & President ISAM
Ex Officio Members
AVM Anupam Agarwal VSM, PMO, HQ WAC, IAF (seniormost serving IAF Aerosp Med Spl)
Air Cmde Mukul Bhatia, Air Cmde MS (S)
Gp Capt NK Tripathy,
Gp Capt MS (AM) & Secy ISAM
Retired Officers
Air Mshl CK Ranjan AVSM VSM (Retd)
Dr Parvati S Gopal Sc ‘F’ (Retd)
Gp Capt PC Ghosh (Retd)
Air Mshl Rajesh Vaidya VSM, DGMS (Air) & President ISAM
Ex Officio Members
AVM Anupam Agarwal VSM, PMO, HQ WAC, IAF (seniormost serving IAF Aerosp Med Spl)
Air Cmde Mukul Bhatia, Air Cmde MS (S)
Gp Capt NK Tripathy,
Gp Capt MS (AM) & Secy ISAM
Retired Officers
Air Mshl CK Ranjan AVSM VSM (Retd)
Dr Parvati S Gopal Sc ‘F’ (Retd)
Gp Capt PC Ghosh (Retd)