Exploring the “Space”
Watching “Space”
The movies we see mirror the times we live in. Few movies get immensely popular and need no introduction. Gravity, Interstellar and The Martian are few which have been watched by all Aerospace Medicine practioners. However there remain a few movies which make a good watch just for curiosity sakes. As an Aerospace Medicine specialist on one hand its easy to catch where the directors have gone wrong with the concept of microgravity on the other hand the portrayal of microgravity amazes you.
The movie deals with the hypothetical concept of how an extraterrestrial living being would behave onboard the ISS. It deals with the ethical and scientific questions of such experiments. The picture ends with a good climax and is worth a watch for the abort systems onboard ISS, the manual overrides, spacewalks and the overall perils of a Space Mission.

This movie takes you a step forward. It deals with the concept of colonizing planets in future. The ride to a distant planet in light years. How in future the journey could be made and how things can horribly go wrong on board. The concept of gravity onboard a space ship is beautifully potrayed. The human character is laid threadbare in conversations with a humanoid bar tender. Its agripping movie taking you light years ahead into space technology.

Compiled by Maj Urmimala B