Airlines of the Jet Age
Author: R. E. G. Davies
Publisher : Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, Washington, DC
Published on : 2nd Edition, 2011
Language : English
Paperback : 461 pages
Type of the Book : Historical Reference Book
ISBN : 978-0-9788460-8-4
Review: The book begins with a well summarized history of civil aviation since its infancy in 1909, the wartime hiatus, post war recovery and worldwide expansion. The author describes the Jet Age in three segments; First Segment consisting of Single-aisled Comets, Boeing 707s, Douglas DC-8s; Second Segment includes the Wide-bodied, Twin-aisled Boeing 747s, DC-10s and Airbuses; the Double-decked Airbus A-380 ushering the Third Segment. This book extensively compiles the genesis and growth of various civil aircraft and airlines on almost every country in the world. The aftermath of various civil aircraft accidents, their implications on developing a safer means of travel and how the civil aviation economy was affected has been explained splendidly. From the trans-continental to inter-city helicopter routes, from the highly successful Boeings and Airbuses to the economic disaster of Concorde, from the pioneer and giant in Civil Airlines (USA) to the developing nations in Africa and Asia; every aspect of civil aviation has been touched upon.
Opinion about the Book: For information on any civil airlines or civil aircraft, this book can be a good reference. My personal favorite are the chapters covering the genesis, struggles, downfall and progression of various airlines in India. The development of High-Speed Railway as a competition to Air Travel in few Asian and European countries has been described interestingly. The language used in the book is easy to comprehend. The maps and photographs contribute to better understanding. The transformation of the civil airlines from a glamorized and expensive mode of travel to the present-day reliable, safer and affordable means of transport is a joy to read
Recommendation: This is a good civil airlines reference book for novices and professionals as well. It is recommended for Aerospace Medicine Specialists, Civil Aviation Medicine Practitioners, Entrepreneurs and Civil Aviation Enthusiasts to read this book.