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From the Chief Editor’s Desk

From the Chief Editor’s Desk
The huge and onerous responsibility of being the Chief Editor of the IJASM does not hit you till you start writing the editorial. So, suitably chastised and sobered up, we present to you this humble offering. As always we have tried to have an equal representation of all the subspecialities of Aerospace Medicine, in this issue.
Understandably, the next issue is likely to be skewed towards space medicine, with IAM and ISAM being deeply involved with the Human in Space Program (HSP). IAM is likely to play a major part in selection and training of the Space Crew, design of the Space Crew Module and support to the Space Crew.
Support to HSP will be the biggest challenge that the ISAM would ever undertake, and we are proud and humbled by the responsibility. India attempts to become the fourth overall and first developing nation to attempt launching a man from its own soil. As we gear up towards this maiden goal, I would like to reach out to each member of the society to lend both intellectual and moral support to us. As we progress with new findings, designs and processes, the IJASM would bring them to you. So watch out for the next few issues.
Happy Reading and Jai Hind