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A new beginning

Air Cmde (Dr) A Agarwal VSM Chief Editor, Principal & Commandant, Institute of Aerospace Medicine, Indian Air Force, Bengaluru, India.
We bring you this new bouquet with, hopefully, a somewhat different fragrance. The difference is maturity, adulthood, the confidence of one poised to fly high. The Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine (IJASM), the journal we have nourished over the years with our hard work, blood, sweat and tears, stands at a new stage in its life. It is already indexed with Google Scholar (https:// and well on the path of indexing by various other indexing agencies. This means that our research, confined to within the Indian Society of Aerospace Medicine (ISAM) for the past six decades, is now being seen by the entire world in increasing measures. While this is a cause for jubilation, it also puts an extra responsibility on our shoulders.
I exhort you step up your game and make contributions that are worthy of the world audience. The submission of articles, refereeing and editing has become online as I write this. This would allow authors from the entire world to start contributing to the Journal, something that will elevate the standard immensely. It would also mean that members of the society will have to compete with authors from outside the society for space in the IJASM. Having been associated with both the journal and our members for over three decades, I am confident that our members will effortlessly achieve this milestone as well.
This volume has a curated, well-rounded fare for you. There are original research articles, bringing you the first ever description of stable transcranial doppler recordings under Gz, in the world. Another first in the world is the extraction of ten performance lowering drugs at nano-gram levels, simultaneously, using LCMS. Descriptions of aviation mishaps have many lessons for all Aerospace Medicine specialists. The importance of suicide prevention cannot be overemphasized. The description of the Suicide Prevention Workshop and the pros and cons of the same, bring out the philosophy of suicide prevention succinctly. The usual fare of book reviews and quiz complete the picture for you. Enjoy it.
Various members of the ISAM have been deeply involved with the maiden attempt of launching Indians to low earth orbit and recovering them safely – the Project Gaganyaan.
This has been a difficult journey, accompanied by all possible emotions that are usually associated with a pulp fiction potboiler. The suspense started with when the actual work on the program would commence, what the actual role of IAM was, how much work was to be done before the actual start of the program. The tragedies of momentary lapses, some of our selections not being agreed to by Russian experts had their hold on some of our emotions. Those of us working deeply with the program fell in love with the innumerable newer methods, procedures, guidelines and tests that we developed from scratch, and our ability to do so. The high of having two months of back breaking work validated by a Russian expert with a PhD in Aerospace Medicine and 562 days in space is more orgasmic than the high due to drugs. Yes, it has been the best roller coaster ride of our collective lives.
There is much to be done still. Every step, from formulating the trajectory of the rocket to the design of the ECLSS, the abort safety features to splash down and recovery aids, requires Aerospace Medicine inputs. This means more back breaking work and sleepless nights; heart-breaking lows to drug like highs… it is indeed addicting.
We will be sharing these details with you over the next two years. Stay glued to the IJASM.
Jai Hind!