Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine
Review Latest Developments in the field of Aerospace Medicine.
ISSN (Print): 0970-6666, ISSN (Online): 2582-5348
Frequency of publication: Semiannual | Language of publication: English
Starting year: 1954 | Format of publication: Print + Online
The Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine (IJASM) is an open access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality articles in the field of Aerospace Medicine.
- Online submission
- Wider visibility through open access
- Higher impact with wider visibility
- Prompt review

About the Journal
The Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine (IJASM) is owned by the Indian Society of Aerospace Medicine (ISAM), India and published by the Scientific Scholar. The aim of the journal is to advance the science and art of Aviation and Space Medicine by stimulating investigations, study and disseminating knowledge. The journal was first published in 1954. Two issues of the journal i.e. the summer and winter issues are brought out every year.
Abstracting and Indexing Information
The journal is indexed with or included in the following:
EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica (Accepted)
The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners:
Google Scholar, CrossRef, ReadCube, Portico

Recently published articles
Original Article
Anitha Thambidurai, Vipin Sharma, Ch N. Sowgandhi, Punyashlok Biswal
Original Article
M. Binu Sekhar, Divya Narayanappa, Punyashlok Biswal