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From the Chief Editor’s Desk

Air Cmde (Dr) Vijay V Joshi VSM Chief Editor, Principal & Commandant, Institute of Aerospace Medicine IAF, Vimanapura, Bengaluru - 560017, Karnataka, India.
The current issue of the Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine is a collection of exemplary research in the field of Aerospace Medicine put together with utmost care by the Editorial Team.
Colour vision standards for aviators have long been a topic of debate with different countries using widely different criteria for setting these standards. Also, there are significant differences in the methods of colour vision testing. This issue brings forth an article with a comprehensive review of evolution of colour vision testing modalities and an engrossing analysis of the changing standards over the years. This article, covering the essence of colour vision, would enlighten the reader about the requirement of colour vision standards and tools for testing for the “safe performance” of duties in the aerospace environment.
Equipment based objective method of testing is an integral part of functional assessment of spine for aeromedical evaluation of aircrew with spinal disabilities. For practical usage of such equipment, establishment of normative data for Indian population is paramount. An article brings out the normative values of cervical and lumbar spine movements for a sophisticated Spinal Column Analysis System which can be used as the baseline data for aeromedical evaluation and aviation research.
Spatial Disorientation is an operational aeromedical concern. Getting out of “autokinesis illusion” in fighter flying with different techniques is another unique topic covered in this issue. Set in the operational requirement of the Air Force, this article explores this topic and offers practical and unique remedial measures.
We also bring forth research works on the important issue of fatigue amongst aircrew and ground crew, a burning issue in aviation. Another article brings out the efficacy of Zolpidem in inducing day time sleep. Another piece of brilliant research brings out the effects of dual stressors; hypobaric hypoxia and noise on aviation cognitive performance.
The Tilt Table has always been a vital aid to investigators in assessment of the integrity of the cardiovascular autonomic responses and microgravity simulation. One article by a resident brings out the analysis of cardiovascular responses to Head-up Tilt whereas, another young researcher has used the Head Down Tilt to simulate microgravity conditions to study the cardiovascular dynamics among differently trained individuals.
We hope that the readers find these articles encompassing the various facets of aerospace medicine both intriguing and interesting. We look forward to your comments and critique.
Jai Hind!